Apr 24, 2013

Ampersand Design Studio

Carrie & Morgan are the two gals behind the full-service Ampersand Design Studio. They specialize in surface pattern design, identity design & stationary products. All of their products are bright, colourful and super cheerful. Just up my alley :) After stumbling across a few of their items over Pinterest, I found myself exploring their entire website, Etsy shops & services. I wish I could post all of their products but there's just too much! Here's some of my favourites:

Black & White Platters (these should have been included in my Serve in Style post)
2) Prints - I'm loving all of these! Positivity mixed with colour is always a good thing.

3) iPhone Cases: You know those people who look at racks of shoes and drool? This is my rack of shoes. Serious eye-candy. As I've mentioned before, (here and here) I have a serious love & addiction for iPhone cases. I WANT THEM ALL! 

1 comment:

  1. wow!!! we are SO flattered!! thank you for this amazing post, you are too kind :)
    Morgan & Carrie


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