As a Social Media Manager, I spend hours on end scouring the web and falling in love with so many different things that I come across. Sometimes these 'things' don't fit into any category but are uniquely wonderful on their own. Whether it's a beautiful design, a cool product or a website that is worthy of sharing, Fancy Friday is a weekly round-up of those 'things' I fancy.

Here we go:
1) Back Seat Organizer with Tray: This is the ultimate convenience for people who eat on the go. On a side note, I can't remember the last time I ate fast food!

2) I Am Busy Towel: For the serious tanner who can't be bothered. (lol)

3) Pluck (Egg Yolk Extractor): Love egg whites? Made by Quirky, you can now separate the yolk from the whites quickly & easily. Simply place the gadget over the yolk, squeeze the silicone chamber, and release to suck the egg yolk up into it. To dispose of it's contents, just give another squeeze and move onto the next egg. Now that's a gadget I want to try!

4) Blackhawk Secretary Trunk: Umm COOL.

5) Kate Spade 2-Piece Bar Set: How CUTE is this cork screw and wine stopper? What an adorable pair!

6) DIY Heart & Punctuation Pillow: A fun pillow project.

7) Shake: The sleek, easy to clean, portable dog potty. For those long drives, lazy moments or late working nights when you won't be able to get home in time...the dog potty is there for you! To clean, simply fill it with water, shake and empty. Coming in September 2013, would you get it?

8) Edible Spoons: Don't get rid of your it! The Edible Spoon comes in 3 flavours: plain, spicy and sweet. Would YOU eat your spoon?

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